General Refs
- - awesome visual effects extraordinaire.
- the Yoda of JavaScript
- - shameless promo for my corporate enslavers :) J/K guys.
- - Front end UI hub of information, the site I visit the most.
- - good designer
User Experience
Jakob Neilsen's Newsletter on Web Usability
The original web usability guru.
- LukeW Articles & Papers
This guy is an absolute whiz with tons of pragmatic advice and insight on interface design and experience.
Buy Luke's book it's awesome and covers all the combinations of how to approach form design. I can't recommend it enough. - Ask Tog.
I'd ask him but I'm still going through all the Q&A's so he doesn't get a repeat question :)
Jakob Neilsen's Newsletter on Web Usability
Blogs I'm Following
Thank you smart people for giving away your knowledge...
Web Dev
Front End JavaScript/Css
Make your pages faster JS/CSS, etc. Fantastic resource to read for making your code much faster.
- How To Fix 25 IE 6 bugs
Great resource for taming a piece of technology that's outdated but just keeps on chugging along.
- Cross Browser CSS Inline Block Implementation
- Open Web Tools Directory
Great directory of web tools to use for development. Impressive UI as well.
- HTML Reference
- When can I use...
Great table of info as to when can a particular piece of technology be used across a majority of the browserscape.
- Change your user agent string in Firefox
Or get the extension to fire fox that does this for you.
Resource Expert Droid
Test against your page's resources and caching headers. Great tool.
- CSS 3 Box shadows for all
Everything You Know about Clearfix is wrong
- Got Layout?
Everything you ever wanted to know about html elements in IE and how to give them a layout.
- CSS 101 Block Formatting Contexts
I'd name the article block formatting in and out of a block formatting context but that's really long.
Excellent JavaScript Documentation
Back End
- GZIP compression resource in C#
- Render .NET Control into String
Just remember to dispose of that control or your app will leak memory like a hose or a broken water main depending on your site's traffic. Either way just dispose and keep your memory free.